Friday, February 28, 2003

hehe, this is part of what one of my bosses wrote on my card:

Dear Haejin,
Whoopee! Yeehaw! I think you should boogie-oogie-oogie on your birthday, however you'd like that to translate.

hee hee~~!! my bosses are cooooooooooool~~
my bosses are SOOOOO sweet~~~~~~!!

i got a phone call this morning from lissa, one of my bosses, asking me if i was coming into work for sure because diane had a project for me. so i told her i would be there for sure. i was kinda confused/scared because they never called me to get me to work.. but i shrugged it off and went back to sleep until i had to be at work. so i came to work huffing and puffin thinkin that i had a long day at work... but they were preparing me a birthday breakfast! they're so sweet! i really feel like i have a family away from home because of them. *sniffle* they sang me happy birthday, and diane made scones (omg~ so good!) and julie brought thin mints.. *sigh* sooo sweet~~~~

girsty, what the heck happened? you told me you were coming over so jae stayed to mooch off your ttuk gook. but instead, she ended up eating your ttuk gook and you didn't even show... x( we called you too... *sigh*

AHH~ my bosses are so sweet!!

Thursday, February 27, 2003

wow~ let me tell you.. what a day...

first, i guess my body totally shut down. i opened my eyes and it was 10. i missed my 9 o'clock discussion. great.... i had something due today. so i had to call in and tell my boss that i couldn't come into work because of that whole rec letter thing and the other office hours i had to now attend to turn in my ppr outline. *sigh* so i went to OH's, then came home, ate... then off to the next OH's. then...dahn dana NA~ SUPER DC! THANKS EILEEN~ ehehe, it was really fun and nice~ lots of freshies~~ yay~~ then albert walked with me and hyewon and he chilled with us. then fred came. then danny yoon and laurie came.. then we played speed scrabble. woo~ then jae came and me and her walked to rsf to watch girsty, derek, and gee won ROCK the other team. xD then we worked out. now.. just sitting here..
i had a great day today~ like.. it was really good! in the midst of all the worries and whatnot... it was a good day...

hehe, it was so funny.. jae was trying to call jaekyung to let her know that she was at my place, and then she was all discombobulated cuz her line was busy. but she has call waiting. and she called like five times.. same thing.. then she realizes... she was dialing MY number!! ahahahahah~~ wat a fruit~ haahaha, we had a good laugh....

wooOoo~ i feel really elated.. for no real reason.. just do...

my funny convo's tonight:

X bYuLgZr X: u big baby~ hehe
EcKo24700: hey hey...i aint no a big baby

kwanshu: have you studied for the catechism test?
X bYuLgZr X: no
X bYuLgZr X: haha
X bYuLgZr X: u wanna help me study?????
X bYuLgZr X: i'm soooo screwed
X bYuLgZr X: haha, but me and eugene have devised a plan
X bYuLgZr X: we're going to wear skirts on sunday!
kwanshu: oh gosh
X bYuLgZr X: :-D
kwanshu: then he'll just make you do them whenever you're not wearing a skirt
X bYuLgZr X: pastor john's too nice to make us do them in a skirt
X bYuLgZr X: actually...
kwanshu: haha
X bYuLgZr X: jessica got away from doing them at all
X bYuLgZr X: ahah
kwanshu: really?
X bYuLgZr X: heh
kwanshu: maybe i should wear a skirt too
X bYuLgZr X: the joys of being a girl
X bYuLgZr X: ahahaha
kwanshu: i'm gonna have to do at least 200
X bYuLgZr X: please do~
X bYuLgZr X: pleasE!~
X bYuLgZr X: haha
kwanshu: no.. you would have way too much fun
X bYuLgZr X: hahaha
X bYuLgZr X: i knO~~
X bYuLgZr X: so do it!~~
kwanshu: i haven't studied them at all yet either.. i'm gonna die
kwanshu: my arms are too little
X bYuLgZr X: hahaha
X bYuLgZr X: hahahaha
X bYuLgZr X: wear a dress
X bYuLgZr X: i have a perfect dress fo you~

kwanshu: study your catechisms!
kwanshu: or i'm gonna sit on you while you do your push ups

hehe, c'mon ppl, help me convince kwan~~~ wouldn't he look so pertyfuL????
the power of really simple words....
anonymous: i'm gonna sleep...i'll put in a word w/ God arite?

sorry.. i'll stop being bratty....

i'm just going to go to OH's tm and see what i can do. *sigh*

maybe i should stop doubting and just believe.......

Romans 8:28
more proof that i wasn't meant to go to law school:
so i get my LSDAS report today, and under letters of recommendation, there is only ONE professor listed there. they want TWO. why is there only ONE? whY??!? now i have to ditch work tomorrow and try to figure this out. i'm so stressed now....

i just wasn't meant to go.......

so what do you want me to do, Lord????

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

you know that one simpson's episode where abe simpson's girlfriend dies and leaves him all that money? then he tries to go out and help people, but as he tries to find where to put his money, he finds that there's not enough money? he gets all hopeless because there seems to be so much wrong in the world to right. that's how i feel every time i go to my crp class. my prof is cool cuz he wants us to get out there and help people, but then.. i feel so lost as to where? who? how? i don't have enough time or money to make a real difference! i get all overwhelmed because i don't know where to devote my time to.... why am i typing this? hrmm.. i donno.. maybe this is just my way of reminding myself that just because i feel overwhelmed doesn't mean i should stay that way.... i need to find a volunteer thingie... i have to get 16 hrs of volunteer work (instead of a midterm) before the end of the semester.... any suggestions?

dang, i'm hungry.....

i don't like my new blog template... x( so jae, when are you going to change it? xD

i'm tired....

uggh~ i'm turning into alex! i complain way to much. must stop~~

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

random brain burps:
- my bosses are cool... xD
- my underwear keeps showing... dang pants.. xP
- the house coffee at espresso esperience is really good...
- i have so much stuff to do... -___-;; why oh why did i start up knitting??
- knitting's fun!!
- i need to exercise... xP i feel so bloated
- i wanna go home...
- does anyone else read with accents? like when you're reading you can hear the accent perfectly, but when you try to read like that aloud, it doesn't sound as good.... or is it just me and girsty... haha~
- i need to study!!!
- i miss my daddy..
- i'm going to be an aunt!!!
- i need to pee, but our bathrooms are being renovated... ooo, fun.
- i miss you double L~
- i miss you, too...
(haha, girsty's gonna hit me.. *muah* i love you girsty!)
- i have the world's greatest friends... they all take care of me and love me just as i am. i know~~ incredible, huh?? no matter how bratty i'm being, or how selfish, they somehow look past all that..... and are there for me... thank you jae, for your rock-steadiness that gets me thru my storms.. thank you hyewon for always listening to me... even at the oddest hours.. thank you girsty for being so understanding.. haha, we're the same woman, you and i~ thank you lila for always encouraging me.. especially when i'm feeling my worst, somehow you make me feel like i'm special. thank you gc.. haha, i think that's enough said, doncha think? *wink* thank you yong jin.. hehe for putting up with my crap.. i know i give you a hard time. thank you kangssi.. just for knowing what to say. thank you tkd for always always being there and listening to all my problems and just being sooo wonderful to me.. seriously... thanks..
my list is going to get way too long... haha~ so if i didn't thank you here, call me and i'll thank you personally. x)

dang i'm sooooo lucky.....
you know what i think is gross?
when people are farting, and they flush the toilet to cover up their fart. xP not only does the person next to you know what you're doing, but it's just gross! did they not read my blog about how the germs fly up when you flush the toileT? that means all those germs are flying up your anus~.. -__-;; grossness....

speaking of gross, did you know that when you bit into something, you scrape off some plaque from your teeth? some of it remains on the surface of whatever you bit. so when you share sandwiches, or whatever, you're basically eating someone else's plaque. yum, huH?


speaking of laughing... so last friday was our senior girls' sleepover, and derek was over (haha). actually he was just there in the beginning before most of the girls came. anyway, we were sitting there chowing down on the grub that isabel, sylvia and gower had prepared. derek bites into a brownie and says, "man, i loooooove girl sleepovers!!" haha~ i guess he's been to a few. xD haha~

ok... work time... i'll be back.. haha

Friday, February 21, 2003

so i found out my secret admirer:

theDERFtheory: wow, you have a hot guy that posts on your blog
X bYuLgZr X: haha
X bYuLgZr X: is that u?
X bYuLgZr X: i was going to put fred, but i wasn't sure
theDERFtheory: you should try checking the web link
X bYuLgZr X: ?
theDERFtheory: but anyway, yeah it's me
theDERFtheory: duh
theDERFtheory: HOT GUY
theDERFtheory: i mean cmon
theDERFtheory: you should have put 2 and 2 together.
X bYuLgZr X: hahahahaha

hahaha~ i love fred!

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

hahaha~ i love carroll cuz he'll amuse me, no matter how stupid i'm being. xD

bahzhang: yes
Auto response from X bYuLgZr X: to read... to sleep... that is the question
bahzhang: to sleep or not to sleep, that is the question
bahzhang: whether tis nobler in the mind to read and suffer
bahzhang: the slings and arrows of painful monotony
bahzhang: or to take the comfort in a sea of pillows
bahzhang: resting gently in the soft down of a bed
bahzhang: And then what shall i do? to sleep
bahzhang: NO MORE!! for i must study!
bahzhang: my heart aches a thousand natural shocks
bahzhang: the study CONSUMES my flesh!!!
bahzhang: Devoutly i sleep
bahzhang: For in sleep does the comfort of angles rest o'er thy bod
bahzhang: For in sleep do the joys of what dreams may come
bahzhang: That we shall be enthused when waken
bahzhang: powered by the new sun
bahzhang: what then is to read?
bahzhang: shall i read??
bahzhang: and suffer the angst of demons of HELL!!???
bahzhang: nay...i shall sleep...
bahzhang: and with that i part thee adieu
bahzhang: adieu! ^^
bahzhang signed off at 9:52:23 PM.
bahzhang signed on at 9:52:25 PM.
X bYuLgZr X: hahaha

Auto response from bahzhang: i hath answered thine question O haejin of lore.
sleep shall come as its beauty beckons me...
begone! thy shalt NOT study!
foreva, foreva eva~ twenty one~!!

i played softball yesterday...
haha~ it was sad.... hehe, but it's cool, cuz i had the coolest backup ever! and i got on base twice out of 3 times, and i connected all three times i batted, and i caught one ball out of a bazillion. it's fun playin left. x) all the fouls come to you and you have to stop it with your body, which i failed to do countless times. but it's ok cuz i caught the last ball. well, i didn't catch it, but it was rolling, and i finally got it into my glove. WOOOO~ and our team was full of supa-stas yesterday too. xD it was dope. we tied~ woo hOO~ come and watch us play~~ tues nights 11pm!

that was fun. x) maybe next week i'll catch a ball too~ woo hoOO~

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

hey.. i have a question for anyone who reads this....

yes or no?

Monday, February 17, 2003

6 hour drive...?

doode.. we left downey at 11 am. what normally should be no more than a six hour drive took us 10 hours. that's right.. TEN. was there traffic? no. did we take the 101? no. did jae drive slowly? no. so.. why the heck did it take us so long?????? well, we just had to check out this taco bell 87 miles NORTH of sacramento... haha~ jk. we got lost... we overshot berkeley by 3 hours. xP it was quite a long trip. jae was tired after 7 hours of driving, so i took over (after eugene kept going 110..), and we finally made it back!!! i was so freakin happy... so happy that i didn't see the red light and i totally ran it. it would have been fine, if that cop had not been at the other intersection at that precise moment. T-T he came over to me.. and i was scared outta my mind cuz it wasn't my car... *sigh* but then he goes, "i have a robbery to get to right now, so i want you to raise your right hand (he raised his hand, which had 7 nice digits written on them in black ink.. looks like he got lucky tonight), and say 'i will never run a red light again.'" i was soooooooooooooooooooo happy. i said i would NEVER run a red again, and he left. WOO HOO~~ talk about God being on your side...

my weekend... was... wow crazy. ask me about it. x) it was a lot of fun... hehe~

ewww.. now i'm back at berkeley... T-T

Thursday, February 13, 2003

i'm going home~~~

this is so's the story of a survivor of a political prison camp in n.korea:

And I was tortured with water. And I was in water, and I had to drink water. I had to lie down and drink water, then when my stomach was full of water they stamped down on my stomach making the water level and my body level even and then the water came out of my mouth and anus. And they tramped until the water level and my body level was even.

this isn't even all of it... if you want to read the entire horrific tale, click here

and here i am complaining about valentines day....

Lord, please help me to pray...

Wednesday, February 12, 2003


i think we should come up with our own anti-valentines day phrase... xP ugh.. as if i need to be reminded that this day is approaching, the first thing that happens to me on the elevator today is this conversation:
she: this friday is valentines day~
me: (gritting teeth and smiling) yea, it is...
she: i'm going to take the day off. my honey is coming from las vegas. it's going to be a great break.
me: (still gritting teeth) sounds great...
she: (brightly) what are you doing for valentines?
me: i'm going home....
she: ohhhh~ ic...
(i think she finally got it at this point...)

then, to make things worse, this delivery guy comes with these beautiful beautiful long-stemmed red roses and balloons... *sigh* and it's not even valentines day yet~~ dang... i wish i could get flowers and balloons at work.

"And if I leave you, for any reason," he added, tightening his grip as she struggled to free her hand, "I will return to you. That is as certain as the sun rising tomorrow morning...I will come to you, or I will find you--over and over again, as often as we are parted, unil the end of the world itself."
~ Archangel

*sigh* this is not stuff i should be reading at this time of the year....

especially when i have a quiz to be studying for.....


Tuesday, February 11, 2003

when i'm at work, it's hard to forget about my financial problems. seriously... so much money comes thru here, and we don't even know about it. these people write ten thousand dollar checks like it's nothing. when i see that, i can't help wishing that i could get some of that money.. you kno? just enough to pay off my credit card bills so i won't have to worry about that anymore. i think as i'm getting ready to leave college, i can see that my credit cards are going to be the death of me. i want so much to get out of debt... xP but then again, knowing me, i'd probably be the first to jump right back into debt. i guess some people never learn.

heh, but then again, i guess wistful thinking never did anyone any good.

dang..apparently, i've missed quite a few birthdays.. x( happy birthday!
Ferryboat and traveler
Han Yong-un

I am the ferryboat
You the traveler

You tread on me with muddy feet,
I embrace you and cross over the water.
When I embrace you, deeps or shallows or fast shooting rapids, I can cross over.

When you don't come I wait from dark to dawn, in the chill wind, the wet of snow and rain;
Once over the water you go on without a glance back.

No matter, I know that sooner or later you will come.
While I wait for you, day after day I go on growing older.

I am the ferryboat
You the traveler.

*sigh* what a sad poem... but i can totally relate.. wish i had my own ferryboat right about now.

Monday, February 10, 2003

i swear, all my guy friends think i'm a boy. proof:

toughguyBCK: adios muchacho


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Sunday, February 09, 2003

just got back from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.. i kinda have mixed feelings about the whole movie... but i don't want to ruin it for anyone that wants to see it, so i guess i won't say anything... x) i'm so nice, aren't i? doode, kate hudson is really cute! i didn't realize before the movie. she's pretty in this sexy, adorable way. not many women can pull that off. i was very wow'ed.

it was kinda funny cuz i went with 4 other girls: jae, jaekyung, min, and hyewon. we got there a little late, so we got in when the theatre was dark. the movie was playin along and there was this part where he cooks for her, and he took it out of the oven, and it was a BEAUTIFUL rack of lamb. omg.. all five of us gasp'ed. it wasn't a pretty sigh'y gasp, but a homer drool gasp. it ended up being REALLY loud and there was a slight pause before the whole theatre started to laugh at us. haha~ *oops*

last night, freshman daniel han and albert took me and hyewon out to dinner. AWWWW~~~ how frickin cute, huh?? hehe, then we came back to our apt to watch Swingers which wasn't that great... but i guess it doesn't really matter because we got to spend some time with the cute freshies.. oh and dankim. xD hehe~ thanks for a great night~~~ xD oh~ and it was sooo nice cuz daniel let me curl his eyelashes. omg they're so thick and long. -__-;; i got kinda envious.... thanks for the yummy dinner guys, and for the even better company! you too dankim. x) you made my night last night too.. hehe~

it's almost midnight. i'm really sleepy.. wow i think this will be a new record. sleeping at midnight?? i haven't done that since i was in junior high....

Saturday, February 08, 2003

ok, so what an exciting night we had last night...

chris son's small group and billy kim's small group gathered for a small fellowship of crabbing. after finally getting all the nitty gritty details of who goes in who's car, they got in and made their ways. the drive was a fairly long one, but it was ok because it gave them a chance to get to know each other. after about 40 minutes of driving, they finally reached their destination. only to find a coast guard with a machine gun telling them that the pier was closed due to national security reasons. ooo, scary~ then they did the kcpc thing of loitering and asking the infamous "what next?" question, which resulted in an army guy with another gun, perhaps an m-16.. yipee.. finally it was decided that they would go back to berkeley. it was still quite an exciting night, and the car ride back was spent getting to know each other even better. they were on the empty freeway no longer than 10 minutes before a lone highway patroller pulled over one of their own. "what happened?" everyone whispered to each other. "why are they pulling him over???" they soon received a phone call from albert telling them that eddie had been taken to the police station. "WHAT?!?!" exclaimed billy, "WHY!?" albert, in a hollow voice, answered, "they found cocaine in his car. it's his friend's." "WHAT!?!??!!" exclaimed billy, "Where are you going?? WHere's the police station???" then albert bust out laughing and told him it was a joke and that they would meet them at berkeley marina. -__-;; they finally made it to berkeley marina in one piece. they even caught 4 small crabs, but they ended up throwing those back in too. all in all, all that was left of that night were memories...

i slept all day again. yay me. -___-;;

Friday, February 07, 2003

how am i supposed to live without you~ after i've been loving you so long? how am i supposed to live without you? when all that i've been living for is gone...

does anyone else remember this song? i donno why.. it's randomly just stuck in my head.
last night, me, jae, hyewon, and seungah went to asia sf. i had such a blast. our waitress was the best~ hehe, the show was... *wow* i've never seen such moves~~ haha, it was fun. too bad the club downstairs SUCKED. xP not only were there no people, they were playing this weird jungle trance music. serious~ every once in a while there was a monkey squeal added to the music. -___-;; quite strange....

i had lunch w/ kay today. she was my lunch date. xD it was quite fun. it was supposed to be an hour, but we ended up gabbing for 2... haha~ whoops~ but i had fun, nonetheless. thanks for listening kay.. x) let's do it again~~

i'm tired.... 1 more hour of work.. then CM retreat.. then (hopefully) crabbing w/ the small group. yay~
i think everyone's a perfect girlfriend according to this quiz.... don't we all wish we could live in such a world?

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

p.s. my lunch w/ eileen went really well. x) a little too well, cuz i ended up missing my 2:00 class. haha~ but it was totally worth it. apparently, i fed her a little too much caffeine and so she was being "weird" and saying "strange things," but i didn't notice anything different about her. (keke, kidding eileen~) but i had a lot of fun talking w/ her. eileen is so cool. she even walked me to my last class~! heh~ *thanks eileen*

anyone else wanna play w/ me?
wowie~ yesterday, carroll and basile came over and cooked for us. let me just take this time to say anyone who lands either will be a very very lucky woman. carroll cooked: porkchops, this yummy pasta, and this yummy mashed sweet potatoes. basile made: the best french onion soup i've ever tasted in my entire life. i am still full from last night's gorge-fest.

afterwards, girsty came back over and we (me and hyewon) totally violated her. haha~ but the funny thing was, girsty couldn't stay away from our apt. she kept on coming back. at around 1:30ish she said she had to go home, so we said our goodbyes. she comes back like 2 sec's later cuz she forgot something and then she left again. she im's hyewon a few mins later bc she left something else. in the end, she just came over and stayed the night. haha~

doode, but it's kinda scary. i think girsty and i think way too alike. we had two really frightening episodes last night. given, she's the only one that knows what i'm talkin about half the time because we seemed to have read all the same books and watched all the same movies... but sometimes, it's just scary. i think i got the most freaked out when she was cutting her brownies, and i was thinking, "hmm, she said she had to read. i'm just sitting here staring at her cut. maybe i should read aloud to her." and at that precise second, she looks at me and asks, "you wanna read my articles to me?" creepy, huh?

all in all.. last night was very.... interesting. haha~

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

my conversation w/ alex. (w/ minor censoring)

X bYuLgZr X (8:28:25 PM): have fun on ur date w/ ______
X bYuLgZr X (8:28:26 PM): x)
X bYuLgZr X (8:28:29 PM): treat her well or else
ALEXsHYUN (8:28:39 PM): how do i treat everyone?
ALEXsHYUN (8:28:40 PM): well
ALEXsHYUN (8:28:42 PM): so shush
X bYuLgZr X (8:28:44 PM): hahahahahaha
X bYuLgZr X (8:28:47 PM): so ur admitting
X bYuLgZr X (8:28:50 PM): a date w/ ______, huh?

i think alex is cheating. he keeps going to the lib so he won't have to be online. x( so then he's going to win the bet. xP that's no fun.....
had a good day today. kinda crazy, but it was all good. x) after i had lunch w/ kathleen, i worked until my class at 4. this class is 3 hours long. -__-;; after i made it thru that, i met up with vickie and just had a nice chit chat. xD then after that i went home, rushed off to the lib to xerox something, went to jae's.. read and ate. then i came back to my place and watched american history x with chris and hyewon. i really liked this movie. wow. both ed's were really good. edward norton is so talented.... *wow*

now.. it's almost 2 am. must sleep so i can wake up early~ x) i have an exciting day to look forward to: lunch w/ eileen then dinner w/ a whole buncha friends. yipeee~~~ food makes me happyyyyy~~

Monday, February 03, 2003

all dressed up with nowhere to go...

that was us last night. so we were going to play, and so we got all ready and perty and drove all the way there to find it closed. -__-;; just a reminder to always check if it's open. but it was ok, cuz the night didn't get wasted. xD we ended up going to denny's and ate our little hearts out. then we came straight home and slept all early. hehe~ not the healthiest thing we could have done, but fun nonetheless... x)

it was funny at denny's too bc there was this guy sitting beside us and he was sitting alone. he was pretty cute lookin and so i kept lookin over there. haha~ and to make things a little more interesting, the third time i looked over, he was having coffee! i was like... yummmm coffeee~~ and jae told me that if i went over there and sat with him and asked if i could drink coffee with him then she'd pay for my meal. haha~ but i'm a little chicken so i didn't. *sigH* we were being so obvious~ gigglin all loud and starin.. haha~ he ate real fast and left. *oops*

i was kinda proud of myself today. i woke up at 8:30 AM. i brushed my teeth, washed my face and all that. then i got ready to do my QT's. the big mistake here was crawling back into bed to do it. -__-;; i don't think i even got through like 3 verses before i fell back asleep. so the advice for me tm is to get out of bed and stay out. wow~ i'd feel sOoOoo good if i could do that~ so that's my goal. we'll see how it ends up.

i had lunch w/ kathleen (alaska) today. it was nice to sit and talk w/ her. x) *thanks for listening kathleen*

Lord please show me what to do...

Sunday, February 02, 2003

oh yea~ something else funny hyewon said a while ago. ok, imma give u some background. i think we were talking about boys and how stupid they were and how mean they can be sometimes. and then hyewon looked over at me and she was all exasperated and she exclaimed, "gosh!! why is it so hard to buy (emphasis on this word)...(thinking about what she said...) no wait, FIND! FIND!!! i meant find a decent guy these days!!"
it was a good day today.. considering i finally made it to AWANA prayer meeting (YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!) it was sooo great.. then i came home and slept the rest of the day away. xD
well, it wasn't a "good day" per se. but interesting nonetheless. here are a few examples, in no particular order:
* girsty referring to her udon as "noodong"
* hyewon pleasantly informing me that she would be sleeping in my bed tonight since her sheets need to be washed and she didn't get to finish that tonight since she's currently crippled and can't walk. (she is currently back in my bed)
* watching this really random movie called the very thought of you w/ monica potter, joseph fiennes, the evil knight from knight's tale, and this other british doode i donno. me and jae and jae were at blockbuster tryin to figure out what movie, and there weren't any good ones. i just saw the cover and saw monica potter and i picked it up and read the back. it was about 1 girl choosing between 3 guys. how could we go wrong with a plot like that?? and i was right. it was a cute movie~~ given, there was no plot, as carroll kept pointing out, but there were just a few of those so-cute-that-i-squeal moments. i don't care what carroll says. i liked the movie, so there~
* ice cream~! yummmm
* ttuk bokki at jae's.. yummm~ haha~ she made enough for like 10 people. it was goooooooooooooooood though.
* hyewon also said something else, but i'm not allowed to post it on my blog. let's just say it was something along the lines of: "if you buy me a RLB, i'll stop being a brat, i promise."
girl: (pouting) didn't you think of me at all?
guy: (vaguely) there were moments when i thought of you...
girl: (still pouting) like when?
guy: whenever i breathed.
~ devdas

Saturday, February 01, 2003

i always have such great blog topics in my head, but by the time i get in front of the computer i've forgotten what i wanted to say... so i end up with messes like this... heh

so i'm semi-officially done with app's (finally...) i just have to mail something tomorrow, then i'm free. well...until the decisions come and i get all sad and depressed cuz i didn't get in anywhere...

i don't think i realized how un-political i am until i started doing these app's. so what the heck is my stance on the political issues of this world? i wanna change the world, right? isn't that why i'm applying to law schooL? i want to be able to stand up for the injustices and to make those wrongs right. the sad thing is i have no clue what i'm getting myself into. during the whole application process, i kept asking myself: "is law school really for me? do i know what i'm doing? maybe God's trying to gently show me that this isn't what He wants from me. is this why i just don't seem to have what it takes to get in anywhere?" i mean...i'm still asking these questions. i desperately want to go to law school, but i'm not sure if it's just a pride issue or the real thing anymore. i'm so used to being a fence-sitter that it kinda permeates into all aspects of my life.

yes, even spiritually. lately, i've been just that--not quite hot, but not really cold either. just lukewarm. and it specifically tells us in the Bible to not be lukewarm. unfortunately, this is the story of my life. i hate conflict, and will avoid it with all of my being. but, like Pastor Eugene reminds us all the time, Christianity is a very offensive and it's God's way or death. there's no other choice. so what is my problem? i keep running into these situations where i am just a big blob of uselessness. you know what i mean? like there can't possibly be any reason for me to be in that situation because nothing good can come of it. yet they keep coming. i mean, when bad news comes, it COMES. i've been struggling with the same few things for a long time now. shouldn't i be over it by now? or shouldn't i have gotten some kind of answer? and then when i think that i think, "gosh haejin, you have no faith! God has been so good to you! can't u just be grateful for the blessings that you do have and forget about the things you don't have? can't you just praise God?" like today, we were singing that song, once again and there's that line at the end where it says:

thank you for the cross, thank you for the cross,
thank you for the cross my friend

can you imagine?! we're regarded as friends of Jesus. i don't think i ever stopped to really marvel at this concept. i mean... He's God! and He's our friend.. and our Savior, and He's our everything! yet He allows us to come to Him as His friend. how can i doubt that kind of love??? i mean, how many friends would willingly die for you? to save you even though they know you're not worth it. how many friends are willing to suffer all that Jesus suffered for an ingrate like me? i gave Him nothing. i struggle with simple things like praying, when i can talk on the phone for hours on end about nothing important into the wee hours of the morning for friends that will most definitely fail me at some point in our relationship. i struggle to read the Bible, when i can spend hours on end checking up ppl's blogs including ppl that i don't talk to or even know in some cases. where are my priorities????? i don't deserve anything, yet i'm always asking for more. even in my more "holy" prayers, i'm so selfish... i don't know what i'm doing...

Lord, please guide me...

so with all this political upheaval going on around me, it's a perfect opportunity for me to go out there and see what i can learn and kinda get a sense of where i stand on these issues. but what does it take for me to really think about it? something way to close for very close friend (actually, my first) called me a couple of hours ago to inform me that he has been activated and is on his way to washington tuesday before he gets shipped to iraq... my first reaction was shock.. then frustration.. then fear.. then tears.. then more fear.. then.... i forget. we didn't do much talking tonight... we just listened to each other breathe, so i had all these thoughts running thru my head a mile a minute. from the stupidest thoughts to most serious ones. did you know that they have to write their wills before they go off to battle? that got me thinking about when my dad had to go to bush sr's war.. i was so young back then, and i didn't realize the seriousness of it all. people died. a lot of them. given people die everyday..but what about people that you know and love? people that you just expect to be a part of your life forever. i got to thinking about all the times that i didn't appreciate him enough.. i got to thinking about my other close friend who's in the marines who is just waiting for the word, "go" to pick up his already-packed bags and do just that.. and for what? what are we fighting this war for? some say it's just a fight for oil. some say bush jr. is trying to follow in his daddy's footsteps and try to pick up the economy thru war. some say that this is the war that we've been waiting for to shake things up. what is it for??? and these boys--my friends!--are going out there.. do they know why they're fighting? are they going w/ a worthy cause in mind, or are they just going because their sgt. told them to? and my dad..what happens to him?

Lord, I don't know. That's the theme of my life. I never know. But Lord, that has never been a problem because You are an all-knowing and all-powerful God. You are the giver of good things... even to someone like me. Lord, I pray for my friends that You have called out to battle. Protect them Lord. Bring them home soon. Lord, use this to remind us that we are always in a spiritual battle. Use this as a reminder to me to pray for the world that does not yet know You. Lord You say that You have a purpose for all things. You have never been wrong. Help me to trust in that...