Friday, February 28, 2003

my bosses are SOOOOO sweet~~~~~~!!

i got a phone call this morning from lissa, one of my bosses, asking me if i was coming into work for sure because diane had a project for me. so i told her i would be there for sure. i was kinda confused/scared because they never called me to get me to work.. but i shrugged it off and went back to sleep until i had to be at work. so i came to work huffing and puffin thinkin that i had a long day at work... but they were preparing me a birthday breakfast! they're so sweet! i really feel like i have a family away from home because of them. *sniffle* they sang me happy birthday, and diane made scones (omg~ so good!) and julie brought thin mints.. *sigh* sooo sweet~~~~

girsty, what the heck happened? you told me you were coming over so jae stayed to mooch off your ttuk gook. but instead, she ended up eating your ttuk gook and you didn't even show... x( we called you too... *sigh*

AHH~ my bosses are so sweet!!


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