Tuesday, October 24, 2006


the view from my office:

my window washer: (but i didn't take a picture of him; just of his crate thingie coming down. i didn't want to be responsible for him injuring himself for my amusement)

a peacock i ran into at target:

like mother, like daughter.. or like daughter, like mother?

whenever jae has a weird expression on her face, it's her mouth. ALWAYS.. this is just one example (kekeke~ and notice the others.. this was not posed.)

missing eugene~~ of course in our natural habitat: nrb

me, tigger, and lila:

my first attempt at a holiday card with the new items i purchased over the wkend. i better get better and make many and sell them because i spent a ridiculous amount of money for this crap (don't laugh!)

this man is so hot and so talented:

but my heart belongs to this man: (taken in chicago)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwe~ I miss you, too!! I miss those old days. :( I'm going home for Thanksgiving~ we have to meet up and catch up! : ) miss ya lotz~ muah~*

8:53 PM  

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