Tuesday, June 21, 2005

yesterday i met up with girsty to watch sisterhood of the traveling pants. great movie. i really liked it.

whenever i got out with girsty, i know i will come away with at least one girsty moment. yesterday, i was blessed with two. we were driving back to my car, and girsty shouts, "what's goin on with the mooN?!? oh.. wait.. nm..." then starts mumbling something. so, being curious, i leaned over, and i didn't see anything. she didn't have to tell me, but being girsty, she admitted that she thought the lamp was the moon. when i started laughing, she exclaims, "don't laugh! it's perfectly justified! it's orbular like the moon!" hahaha~ orbular. haha~ ORBULAR. HAHAHA~ that girl just cracks me up. but in a good way. x)

and yes girsty, of course i had to blog about it. x) btw, did you know it's actually orbicular? hmm, the things u learn every day.

today i went to my school clinic cuz i had to check out my throat. i have some weird bumps on my uvular (the punching bag looking thing in your throat). the nurse said it could be a cold sore! eww, can you believe that?? xP seriously, what is going on??

so instead of going back to work, i decided to have lunch with carroll at this posh italian place (very good) and "work" from home.

it's 4pm. i haven't started yet, and i must clock in at least 5 hours tonight. *yay* and tonight is my little sister's bday thing. *yay*

i'm going to be up tonight.


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