Monday, April 18, 2005

the things some people say....

me: yea i'm fine
me: and hush if you're being sarcastic
me: xP
NotYetSeven: dude that's just straight up sick
NotYetSeven: does it still hurt?
me: ...
me: ohh
me: haha my lip
NotYetSeven: ?
me: it doesn't hurt anymore
NotYetSeven: what else?
me: i got into a fender bender this morning
me: xP
NotYetSeven: oh really?
me: yea
me: i thought you were trying to be funny
NotYetSeven: dude...what'd you do to piss off God?
me: i know
me: haha
me: i felt like job today
NotYetSeven: nah...i was just disturbed over your photos
me: haha
me: yea
me: it looks better now.
NotYetSeven: got the boils down
me: it's not filled w/ puss
me: but now it's scabby
NotYetSeven: i have never seen puss like that
me: haha
me: yea, tell me about it
NotYetSeven: maybe in the movies but that's all make up
me: it HURT like a MOTHER
NotYetSeven: i didn't think that stuff really existed
me: but doesn't hurt so much anymore
NotYetSeven: you should bottle it up and save it as a souvenir
NotYetSeven: who knows...maybe you can find use for it later
NotYetSeven: like if your husband pissed you up the bottle and spread a bit of that puss on his lips
NotYetSeven: and see if it infects him
me: ew
me: that's gross
me: and it would infect him
me: it's highly contagious
NotYetSeven: oh really?
NotYetSeven: ooooh
NotYetSeven: that's so cool!
NotYetSeven: hey
NotYetSeven: bottle it up for me
me: eww
NotYetSeven: i wanna see if i can ebay it
me: i don't have anymore i said~!!
NotYetSeven: awwww
NotYetSeven: you sure?
me: yes
NotYetSeven: maybe it's on some napkin you used to wipe your mouth with
me: no
NotYetSeven: well glad that it got better...
NotYetSeven: i guess
me: haha
me: thanks

then he proceeded to tell me how horrible i looked at jessica's wedding.. bags under my eyes and a vein popping out on the left side of my forehead near my eye. hong's such a JERK! xP


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