Wednesday, January 05, 2005

i wished with all my might that i could ditch work today and go to SD.. but instead, here i am again. x(

man, i must have been really tired yesterday. i got home around 6pm last night. ate dinner and cleaned up. then at 8pm i fell asleep. woke up at 12am to phone call.. then fell right back to sleep.. finally woke up at 7am. almost slept for 12 hours! but at least i'm not nodding off today like i have been for the past two days.

i was going to clean last night but.. i went to the room and got overwhelmed. my goodness! where am i going to put all that crap??? i really need to clean today though.. xP

i was really nervous because my school website said: "Fall 2004 grades will be available as of Jan. 4, 2005 after 5pm." taking this stmt, it seems to mean that grades will be up at that time, right?

but, no. that's not what it means. it really means: "grades will be up when the prof's feel like posting them and they start being posted jan. 4." none of my prof's have yet posted. *sigh* how exciting. i get to wait around. this is the dumbest way i've ever gotten grades. why bother putting up any grades when they are not all available? so even if i got a couple of my grades, i wouldn't really know my ranking or gpa or anything like that. xP wee-tah-ded.

anyway.. i'm just trying to waste some time. they gave me a project (yay!) but i doubt it will last me all day... so i haven't really started yet even tho i've been in since 8:45am. i hope it stays this calm so that when school starts i can do some school work. we'll see.

my life seems to revolve around school, huh?

i need to refocus on what matters...


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