Thursday, December 09, 2004

whining and complaining ahead.

i've never felt worse after a test. even after the one that i failed last week.

now i'm going to gripe about the forced curve system in law school.

so, it's really unfair. there are 9 of us (JD's) in the class. the forced normalization is at 83%. that means that.. well, i don't really know what that means. but i do know that @ least one person has to fail and i have a gnawing, horrible suspicion that it's gonna be me. x( it sucks even more b/c it's a multiple choice test and there's a penalty for wrong answers. (supposedly it's supposed to neither hurt you or help you, but.. statistics never come out true for me). anyway, there's this really smart girl in my class (she's an LLM so i don't have to worry about being curved against her) but she knows everything in the class pretty much. anyway, as we were turning in the tests, i noticed how different our scantrons looked. T-T i'm only praying that he moved around questions for the different tests. (but i doubt it) *sniffle*

that was a mean thing for my prof to do. 20 multiple choice questions dictating our entire grade for the class. AND he specifically said that the last subject we did in class was not going to be on the final. AND IT WAS. AND things he said not to worry about during the review session WERE ON THE TEST. how sad i feel right now.

and i feel worse because i have 2 more finals next week plus that paper i haven't touched since thanksgiving.

boo boo boo boo boo.

yea yea, if you don't wanna hear it you didn't have to read it.


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