Tuesday, July 27, 2004

yesterday was a good day...

1. i got paid.
2. i fit (slightly) better into my clothes.
3. i got a phone call saying that i got in as a transfer student to loyola.

it's so AMAZING how good God is... all this summer i kept praying: "Lord, just get me to LA so that i'll have a church to go to..." and then i get this phone call. i was completely ecstatic.

it's so SICKENING how sinful i am. my ecstacy soon turned to dissatisfaction and i thought: "well, if it were UCLA, there would be no question. i would definitely go to UCLA.. but Loyola?"

i remember this same feeling when i first applied for law schools.. i tried to get a "sign" from God to see if my time @ berkeley/kcpc was over. i prayed, "Lord, if i don't get into Hastings, i'll take it as a sign that my time is over." instead, i got waitlisted. i remember being angry that He was so unclear...

well this time, He was a bit clearer. i didn't get into UCLA. *bam* door closed.. yet i still donno what to do..

on the one hand, i've made myself a comfortable niche here in SD. if i leave, i'd have to start all over again. i hate meeting new ppl. i'll be a loner again. on the other hand, i'd be saving a couple thousand dollars if i went to loyola, AND be in the job market i want to be in. then again, i was really looking forward to the classes/professors i was going to take next semester.. and now, i have to take all the "leftover" classes @ loyola. then again, if i went to loyola i'd be closer to my family but if i went to loyola i'd be closer to my family. (haha, that goes both ways).

do u see my dilemma?

i have until tomorrow. *eep*


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