Friday, May 21, 2004

my trip to berkeley was great~ as always..

some things that made me happy:
- being w/ my bf. tee hee~
- seeing jaekyung graduate.. CONGRATS!
- bowling w/ da seniors (who will always be my juniors~)
- nice chat w/ albert kae
- the fooooood! o how i miss it so~~
- the short, yet wonderful chat w/ lila
- the fact that so many ppl made time to chill w/ me in the midst of all their finals and stuff.. x) thanks guys!
- meeting up w/ chris in the city~ x) so good to see you!! (as always) and so hot!!
- seeing my girls again~~ even tho they teased me about my bf.. x) i still love them~~

some things that sorta sucked:
- having to walk to palace of fine arts after our plans to bike to the golden gate bridge was a bust.. twice
- not having enough time to spend w/ everyone
- not being able to stay for more graduations.. phooey..
- not being able to see everyone that i wanted to see (eileen, hyewon, and so many others)

keep your fingers crossed ppl.. maybe if the records office makes a mistake i can be at boalt next year.. hahah~ yea right.. -__-;;

just one more week of freedom, and then summer school starts.. *sigh*


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