Friday, May 28, 2004

i'm starting to hate work a little bit more every day. no real good reason. i'm starting to loathe it though. they make me do the most pointless crap and sometimes it feels like the day will never end. the only reason i can get thru it is b/c i know that this is only a parttime gig and soon i'll be back in class where i belong. no wonder ppl prefer to be professional students...

i'm not looking forward to the working world...

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


so, i came into work today and there was a post-it and instructions to call somewhere. first of all, i hate calling anyone. i'm very bad on the phone w/ strangers. so anyway, i found the freakin number online. i called, and they transfer me. i was on hold for THIRTY SEVEN MINUTES and when i finally get to talk to someone, they tell me that i have the wrong department. so they give me another number. i call that number and they tell me that i should be talking to the other department that just sent me to them. >:O arg!!!

but at least the lady was nice and transferred me directly to a person and not a freakin hold.

*sigh* it's gonna be a loooong day...

Tuesday, May 25, 2004


first day on the job and they have me started on 3 projects. i'm so bad at legal research. maybe this job will help me get over the fear of it. -__-;;

so far it's been an interesting day.

i started off on the wrong foot (8 mins late), but he didn't seem to concerned about that.. then he gave me a tour, etc etc. then he dropped the projects on me. i got so nervous i started getting really gas'y. i had to go to the bathroom and poop. so after that i was feeling a little better.. but.. i'm starting to get gas'y again. i'm so lost.. i've been researching this topic for... hmm, ever since i sat down at the desk around 11am.. and i haven't found anything...

but, it's good experience, right??

scratch that.. FOUR projects...

Monday, May 24, 2004

i got a job~~~ yay!!!

maybe i can finally pay off my credit card debt... T-T


20 hrs work + 14 hrs of school = a non-summer

but at least now i have law experience, yea!

Friday, May 21, 2004

my trip to berkeley was great~ as always..

some things that made me happy:
- being w/ my bf. tee hee~
- seeing jaekyung graduate.. CONGRATS!
- bowling w/ da seniors (who will always be my juniors~)
- nice chat w/ albert kae
- the fooooood! o how i miss it so~~
- the short, yet wonderful chat w/ lila
- the fact that so many ppl made time to chill w/ me in the midst of all their finals and stuff.. x) thanks guys!
- meeting up w/ chris in the city~ x) so good to see you!! (as always) and so hot!!
- seeing my girls again~~ even tho they teased me about my bf.. x) i still love them~~

some things that sorta sucked:
- having to walk to palace of fine arts after our plans to bike to the golden gate bridge was a bust.. twice
- not having enough time to spend w/ everyone
- not being able to stay for more graduations.. phooey..
- not being able to see everyone that i wanted to see (eileen, hyewon, and so many others)

keep your fingers crossed ppl.. maybe if the records office makes a mistake i can be at boalt next year.. hahah~ yea right.. -__-;;

just one more week of freedom, and then summer school starts.. *sigh*

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

woah, blogger like.. totally changed.. *shrug*

so you know how you see all those movies about college or you hear all those nightmare stories about law school, right?

like, you know the one about the person who slept thru her first final b/c she stayed up all night studying? or the person who loses all their notes the day before their final? and you know the one about the person who gets their laptop stolen right before finals and it has all that person's notes, etc etc on it and there's no way to retrieve it? and you think how horrible it would be if it happened to you?

well, i know. T-T

i remember thinking how i was so sad when i missed my first final at berkeley b/c i stayed up all night studying for it (fortunately, i was able to take it later). then the next semester, i lost my notes in the library (i think someone threw them away) for my history class, and i had to just wing it..

then, the night before my FIRST final this semester here at freakin law school, someone stole my laptop. not just the laptop, but my bag too -- which had my class notes in them. so, i basically lost everything. EVERYTHING (even a pair of socks i had in my laptop bag cuz my feet were cold). the ironic thing was that i had moved it from a classroom to my office (where i work on campus) cuz i thought it would be safe there. my laptop is CRAPPY too! they can't even get any money for it. they'd probably have to PAY someone to take it from them.

i tried to come up w/ a list of reasons why it was a good thing that my laptop was stolen and this is what i came up with:
(1) i'm always trying to get rid of things but i can't throw them away b/c i'm a pack rat. now, i can't keep my notes even if i wanted to.
(2) my laptop was really heavy and slow anyway.
(3) now i know that ppl really do steal laptops especially during finals time so i will be more careful.
(4) ummm...
(5) uhhhhh....

people suck.

my semester has been great, how was yours?


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

i have the best boyfriend in the world!

it's finals weeks for me, and yesterday i was taking a study break. i came home to find that he had cleaned my apt and made food for me. xD

then, last night, he made my lunch!!

is he the best or what?!??!?


i'm so lucky~~~