Saturday, December 14, 2002

A few interesting things have happened since last night.

girsty and I went over to lila's to just chill and eat last night. I guess after 25 hours of not sleeping, my body just crashed, so we both ended up sleeping there. Anywho, I woke up in the middle of the night because something felt wrong, and whaddaya know? girsty has put her arms and legs all over me. -__-;; Don't let her fool you!! She is definitely a cuddler! haha~ I was too tired to do anything about it, so I just went back to sleep. She apparently thinks I'm her teddy bear. haw haw~ Girsty is a cuddler~ Girsty is a cuddler!! Just for you guys out there. *wink*

The other thing was quite insulting to me, but what can I do? I can't compete with Lila. Especially when it comes to matters of the roach. So I called Alex cuz I needed a ride somewhere, and I got his machine. No biggie. I left him a nice message asking him to call me back. Then Lila comes up with this great idea to use her phone to call him. So I did. Lo and behold, he picks up. It got disconnected, but he immediately calls her back. I was so flabbergasted. *sigh* Oh well, at least I know how he really feels now.

Muahahahah~ let's see how much hate mail I get from these 3 people...

Good luck with finals everyone! And for those that are done.. T-T have fun playing....


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