Wednesday, November 13, 2002

We had several interesting conversations during small group today. Did I ever mention how my small group is really awesome? Well they really are. It's kinda cool because we actually talk about really unconventional stuff. Like today, we somehow got on the subject of homosexuality, and if it really is something that you are born with. I always pish-poshed that notion--that you can't innately be born with something so unnatural. But, one of them pointed out that since we're all born with sin, it is possible that people are born with homosexual tendencies. It made me think. Hrmmmmmmmmmm.... What an interesting small group we had tonight, lemme say.

Today. Well today, I woke up really late. 3 hours late to be exact. -__-;; But it's the result of having stayed up for the past few nights til 5 or 6 in the morning. I think I needed the sleep. *sigh* Too bad I'm going to be pulling another all nighter tonight. Anyone wanna join me???? If you're good at Econ, I'll even throw in brownies! Y' think I'm kidding, don't you? Cheesecake brownies will be baked for you right in front of your eyes and be served to you nice, hot, and chewy! yummMmm~ Catch is that you'll have to help me with my homework. It's due tomorrow. T-T I also have that stankin paper that I've been wrasslin' with for like a week to finish. BLAH! So yes, company would be greatly appreciated! Please, come join me in this fun study fest!

Last night, I went over to Jae's to get some studying done. Did it happen? noOoo~ Because she introduced me to this really fun game on Yahoo! games. T-T (It's called Bounce Out It's soooooo addicting!) I ended up playing for an hour. xP I got half my econ homework done though. I stopped cuz I got lost. *sigh* Wretched, wretched class!

Random, possibly interesting, fact of the day: Did you know that some Korean farmer invented the apricot? And that some Chinese farmer, who's last name was Bing, invented the bing cherry. Compliments of one of my small group girls, Tiffany. x)

Bye bye now~ (I'll probably be back..) xD


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