Wednesday, November 20, 2002


So I had my first run-in with a rude rude RUDE customer service guy. I ended up hanging up on him (I think hanging up on a person is the rudest thing you can do over the phone). He made me so angry though!!! Basically, they're giving me an extension, but I still have to pay!! I'm so angry!!! HOW in the WORLD can a $39.99 plan + $35.99 plan end up being $306?!?! I WANT TO SEE MY BILL AND SEE WHAT HIDDEN COSTS THEY GAVE ME! I was talkin to my bosses and the 2 of them with cell phones says that VERIZON SUCKS!!!!! I hope that Verizon Customer service people are reading this. YOU GUYS SUCK ROYALLY, AND I'M GOING TO TELL EVERYONE THAT YOU DO!!!!

DO NOT SIGN UP WITH VERIZON!!! "They will nickel and dime you!" (my bosses, BOTH of them unsatisfied customers). You have to read all this fine print and if you don't you end up paying for it. Not like a few dollars, not even a few tens of dollars, but HUNDREDS!! Cuz that's what I'm paying for EACH PHONE LINE I HAVE ON MY ACCOUNT!!!!!! And honestly, they aren't even THAT wonderful! I've gotten cut off plenty of times. I had better luck with my Cingular account cuz even though there's not much reception, they don't give you EXTRA CHARGES!!!! Except for going over minutes, which is told to you up front!!!!

I've been with 3 different mobile phone companies in the past 3 months (Cingular for a year: their reception is not that great, but I never had a problem with customer service, T-mobile for a few days: ditto on the service, but their customer service was really good, and now STINKY VERIZON), and VERIZON IS THE WORST!! I've never had to deal with hidden charges. OR been scammed into signing up for 1000 mobile-to-mobile minutes that aren't even usable in some instances. (WHAT KIND OF STINKY PLAN IS THAT???)

VERIZON WIRELESS SAYS: "Get 1000 mobile-to-mobile minutes! Only $3.99 extra! But youha vetobe onth esam enetwo rk an difthe yhavec allerblo ck andth eycallyou itdoe sn'tcou nt andb eingo nthes ame netwo rkm eans tha tbotho fyoun eedtobe onthe ne tworkt hateith erof youare callingfr om bec auseweh avea network andt henwe hav eour extend ed netwo rk soif yo u'reon th eex tend ednetw orkit doe sn'tcou ntyouc ano nlybe on ourne twork but luc kyfo rus yo uwo n't ev erkn ow ifbo thofy oua reo nth en et wor k will yo uwil lyou h ahah aha did you gett hat ihopen ot becau set henp eopl ew oulds ee tha tthisp lanisn 'tth atg reat andsi gnup with someon eelse butw ecan 'thav ethat soih opeyo udon't sto ptor eadall thisf inep rint m auauah aha auaua ha fools FOOOLS!"


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