Monday, November 18, 2002


Now I'm in a bad mood. xP I called Verizon customer service again to see how much it would cost to cancel. It's $150/line. Is it worth it? Doode, but I've been dealing with paying for bills that I haven't even seen. And you know that 1000 mobile-to-mobile minutes? Read the fine print. Basically, the other person has to be on the same network, which could not be the case if they're roaming. Also, if they have caller id block, then it's null when they call you. It don't count cuz they don't know where the call is coming from. So basically, the 1000 mins are never used.. there's all these things that must be true in order to even get any use out of them so I shouldn't have gotten them. It's just a waste of money! I'm so angry.. I shoulda just stuck with T-mobile. At least their phone was cute. T-T I coulda learned to live without free nights. Better than dealin with this BS...

And I still have to do my LSAT homework.. I guess I should just go do that. Seriously, cell phones are the devil (quoting from luptuous).


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