Monday, November 04, 2002

Jae Eun Lee

She is my friend, although she's quite the mercenary. She's a little fobby, but then, she's also very Argentinian... go figure. She's not like anyone else I know. She's been such a wonderful friend to me. I met her my freshman year at KCPC here at Berkeley. She was this quiet fobby girl, and the only other girl without a clique already. I kinda drifted towards her just because she seemed like the only one that would just accept me as I am. Did I ever tell you how I have this knack for being pretty close at pegging people? I was so right about her. I don't have to hide anything from her. She knows most of my deepest darkest secrets, but I don't feel ashamed around her at all. Not at all. In fact, I feel quite free and liberated when I'm with her. I don't have to hide behind my fake mask that I've built for everyone else. I can just be myself--horribly disgusting, and struggling all the time. The wonderful thing is that she just accepts that. x) Poor girl... I can't say that she says much. I tend to be closer to people that listen more than talk. Probably because I like to talk.. haha~ but it works out quite nicely because she's not much for talking. We have this unspoken bond. I don't really know when it began. But we're kinda guyish that way--you know how guys can bond silently watchin tv? That's me and Jae. We bond through tv, her computer, eating. She's actually one of the people that I don't feel uncomfortable around when things are quiet. I just feel content with her. I think that I talk a lot because I don't like silences.. it seems more intimate for some reason. This ability to understand each other without words... but when you don't have that kind of understanding, it's just uncomfortable. I hate that. But with Jae...we don't have to say anything. x) I love her to death...donno what I'd do without her...

Thank you Jae Eun Lee, for being such a wonderful friend to me! For being so beautiful both inside and out. For always listening to me no matter what I have to say. For dealing with my bazillions of dramamama moments. For understanding me so well. For always encouraging me to be a better person. SSARANGAHAEE~ING~~~~~!!


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