Saturday, October 12, 2002

i get so much lovin', i can't contain it sometimes...
so this is my convo with a particular YAG'er, who after callin me a skank and a ho went on to say:

Cal Divinity: anyways...go to your running
Cal Divinity: you need to lose weight
X bYuLgZr X: i'm tryin to put songs in my mp3 player
Cal Divinity: hahahha
Cal Divinity: j/k
Cal Divinity: you know normally i wouldn't go into the weight field...cus it could cause psychological disorder...
Cal Divinity: but i'm very offended being called a jerk
X bYuLgZr X: Cal Divinity: anyways...go to your running
Cal Divinity: you need to lose weight
X bYuLgZr X: jerk
Cal Divinity: hahah
Cal Divinity: dude i'm joking
Cal Divinity: i can only joke like that with skinny girls
Cal Divinity: cus they know they skinny
X bYuLgZr X: jerk
Cal Divinity: dang
Cal Divinity: i'm staying from the weight issue
X bYuLgZr X: too late u jerk
Cal Divinity: compliment someone and they take it the wrong way
X bYuLgZr X: x*(
X bYuLgZr X: wat??
X bYuLgZr X: how is that a compliment u jerk?
Cal Divinity: i'm saying you're skinny
Cal Divinity: dang
Cal Divinity: you're not're a queen...
Cal Divinity: drama queen
X bYuLgZr X: hahaha
X bYuLgZr X: u know what? this convo is funny enough to go on my blog
X bYuLgZr X: ahahaha
Cal Divinity: hey
Cal Divinity: that sucks
X bYuLgZr X: haha
Cal Divinity: hey honestly
Cal Divinity: do girls take it the wrong way
X bYuLgZr X: no, i didn't
X bYuLgZr X: don't worry
X bYuLgZr X: haha
Cal Divinity: if you tell them "Hey did you lose weight?"
X bYuLgZr X: why would they?
Cal Divinity: cus that implies they had a lot of weight to begin with
X bYuLgZr X: haha
X bYuLgZr X: well, if u put it that way..
Cal Divinity: don't you watch tv
Cal Divinity: guys says hey did you lose weight?
Cal Divinity: girls responds so what you're saying i was fat before?


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