Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Luptuous told me that I'm very vague on my blogs... hrmm... I guess this is true... I was just musing about that a few days ago too.. hehe~

So why do I even bother putting up these blogs? Is it for me? Is it for other people? Maybe I want to be a little out there, yet be a little mysterious so that people will want to get to know me better. Or maybe it's just some sick and twisted paradox--trying to get myself out there, without really doing so. Or maybe it doesn't matter why I put my semi-truthful thoughts up for everyone to see. Who knows? I guess it's just a time-killer.

I've been trying to figure out myself. I think I should stop though, but I keep trying to figure out why I do/feel/say the things I do.. Is it a self-torturing method? I don't know. Haha~ Does it matter? Probably not...

So why do we do the things we do? This has been the topic most on my mind lately.. Motivation, purpose...I want to figure these things out...

Prayer is what I need.


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