Monday, August 05, 2002

ok, so i said i`d tell you if i ever found out more about the music thing, so here is an argument that is anti-exclusive Psalmody (exclusively singing Psalms)...

one of the reasons that this author was against that was that the world "psalms" was mis-translated. well, not mis-translated, but in the Hebrew, "psalms" doesn`t exclusively refer to the Psalms of the Bible. there are 3 words that can be translated into psalms: zemirot, zimrah,and mizmor. only the last one refers exclusively to the Psalter (the book of Psalms).

another argument is that in ephesians 5:19 it says: "speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord" in the Bible, there very many examples of other songs that are spiritual that are not Psalms. for example: moses` songs (Ex. 15:1-18, Deut. 32:1-43); miriam`s song (Ex. 15:21); song of Deborah and Barak (Judges 5:2-31); songs of David (2 Sam. 22:1-51, 1 Chr. 16:8-36) of Mary (Luke 1:46-55), and etc and etc! a big reason that they don`t sing hymns and praise songs is because they aren`t God-inspired (not God-breathed), but obviously, these songs are God-breathed. so why would God include them, but not allow them to be sung?

it also says in Psalms (and other places) several times to make a new song unto him. Psalm 33:3 says "sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy." and in several other passages that say similar things (Ps. 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1, and one in Is. but i forgot to write that one down).. but God does give people talents and why wouldn`t He want us to use them for His greater glory?

i know that even in these arguments, there`s probably a counter for each one... but the thing that i`ve been learning is that it doesn`t really matter. just because i sing praise songs doesn`t mean that God loves me any less or has saved me any less. like it says in Acts 15:11:But we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they also are. this was referring to the disagreement about circumcising the new gentile believers, but obviously we can stick in any other thing in place of circumciscion. we shouldn`t get legalistic about the smaller things. i think the most important lesson that i`ve been learning through my struggle with this is that i am so unknowledged. so i can`t defend why i do what i do. which makes these things a big deal to me because it shakes me up. through this, it`s made me realize how a lot of my relationship with God is emotionally-based. my very volatile and fleeting emotions... this trip has shown me why i NEED to read the Bible and other Christian books that can help me better understand and better prepare myself for such challenges to my faith. i need to stop making excuses...

i feel like a failure in many aspects of myself. i`m not loving enough, or patient enough, or knowledged enough, or....the list goes on and on... i came to this trip with different expectations. i thought that my prayer life and my QT life was going to be great... but i went about it totally wrong.. xP i jst sat on my butt and expected God to be bigger here than He is at home. which is retarded... but at least it`s helped me to see how retarded i am.. *sigh*

those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. but i, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you. i will pay what i have owed. salvation is of the Lord.
~Jonah 2:8-9


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