it`s still humid. they say that there`s a typhoon that`s supposed to hit us soon. supposed to hit tonight, but it didn`t... hmm...
it`s almost 12 am here. but i still have a few more things to do before going to sleep... x) so far, it`s been a very tremendous blessing. i feel very bad cuz we`re supposed to be of help to the Japanese Christians here, but i feel like we`re more of a burden.. like today, we had VBS at another nearby church. they not only served us lunch, but they paid for our transportation AND then they PAID us for our services.. (2000 yen/person, which is about $20..) we tried to give it back, but they refused. then they gave us ice cream, then they gave us face towels..cute ones too! (it`s very popular here to have a face towel cuz u sweat so much... everyone has one..) anyway, we were there to help, but we ended up coming back with so much more than we had left with. xP that`s one of the hardest things here. i don`t think many of the pastors understand why we`re here, so they treat us as they would any of their church members. it`s very hard... *sigh*
another thing is that i`ve been very much challenged in my faith. because this missions trip is sponsored by a reformed presb. church. i didn`t think that there would be that much of a diff, but actually, it`s quite different. for example, they only sing psalms because they`re straight from the Bible. and they don`t think that having accompaniment (instruments) is correct. so they just sing with their voices. (i`m actually reading a book about that.. i`ll tell you why when i finish) i`ve been having difficulty just because praise is such a big part of my worship to God. it doesn`t help that we`re singing the psalms in japanese.. -__-;; i`m trying to not get caught up in little things like that, but at the same time, those little things are very much weighing me down.. it makes it hard to worship because i`m not used to it.. hopefully, these books will help (there`s a small lib here with lots of books... the other non-RP girl looked up a whole bunch and she wants to read it.. and i`m going to try to read them as well.. maybe it will help me to understand better)... but yeah, me and her had this long talk today about that. and how in many ways we feel discouraged because with some things they are very much "my way or no way". in other things, they are very understanding, but.. some things they aren`t.. and i`ve come to really resent singing the psalms. they really do nothing for me.. i concentrate so much on tryin to sing these tunes that i don`t know.. with these words that don`t quite touch me in any way.. even though it is the psalms.. i don`t know.. maybe i`m not trying hard enough...
anyway.. x) enough ranting... it has been a big encouragement to be here. i know that there is a greater reason for my being here. thank you for your prayers and support!!! email me with your address if you want a postcard! x) i miss you all!
it`s almost 12 am here. but i still have a few more things to do before going to sleep... x) so far, it`s been a very tremendous blessing. i feel very bad cuz we`re supposed to be of help to the Japanese Christians here, but i feel like we`re more of a burden.. like today, we had VBS at another nearby church. they not only served us lunch, but they paid for our transportation AND then they PAID us for our services.. (2000 yen/person, which is about $20..) we tried to give it back, but they refused. then they gave us ice cream, then they gave us face towels..cute ones too! (it`s very popular here to have a face towel cuz u sweat so much... everyone has one..) anyway, we were there to help, but we ended up coming back with so much more than we had left with. xP that`s one of the hardest things here. i don`t think many of the pastors understand why we`re here, so they treat us as they would any of their church members. it`s very hard... *sigh*
another thing is that i`ve been very much challenged in my faith. because this missions trip is sponsored by a reformed presb. church. i didn`t think that there would be that much of a diff, but actually, it`s quite different. for example, they only sing psalms because they`re straight from the Bible. and they don`t think that having accompaniment (instruments) is correct. so they just sing with their voices. (i`m actually reading a book about that.. i`ll tell you why when i finish) i`ve been having difficulty just because praise is such a big part of my worship to God. it doesn`t help that we`re singing the psalms in japanese.. -__-;; i`m trying to not get caught up in little things like that, but at the same time, those little things are very much weighing me down.. it makes it hard to worship because i`m not used to it.. hopefully, these books will help (there`s a small lib here with lots of books... the other non-RP girl looked up a whole bunch and she wants to read it.. and i`m going to try to read them as well.. maybe it will help me to understand better)... but yeah, me and her had this long talk today about that. and how in many ways we feel discouraged because with some things they are very much "my way or no way". in other things, they are very understanding, but.. some things they aren`t.. and i`ve come to really resent singing the psalms. they really do nothing for me.. i concentrate so much on tryin to sing these tunes that i don`t know.. with these words that don`t quite touch me in any way.. even though it is the psalms.. i don`t know.. maybe i`m not trying hard enough...
anyway.. x) enough ranting... it has been a big encouragement to be here. i know that there is a greater reason for my being here. thank you for your prayers and support!!! email me with your address if you want a postcard! x) i miss you all!
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