Friday, June 07, 2002

*my new (and not so new) favorites*
things to do:
- watch invader zim (omg~ SOOO FUNNY!!)
- chillin with my girlfriends (the best remedy for ANY illness--physical AND emotional)
- NRB! (ahaha)
- doin nothing (it's the best feelin!)
- sleeeeeeeeping!!!! (i LOVE it!)
- Jesus (He definitely knows why)
- SUNNY!! (you know why~)
- jae eun~
- giancarlo (who's leaving me, but it's all good.. i know he'll be back.. he better be back!!!)
- my boss, lissa (she's SO nice!)
.....and the list goes on......
- food. (as long as it's cooked)

*things i'm starting to appreciate a lot more*
- God and his unchanging'ness in all things.. His love, His faithfulness, His awesomeness... etc etc...
- the people in my life (and how much they are a blessing. and even the people that i don't really know that well--how much i want to get to know them before it's too late. how they have been so encouraging to me, even in the littlest things that they may do. how they all shape the way that i view things.. and i see that life is SO beautiful and SO precious)
- the fact that i'm in college (even if it is berkeley.. xP)
- my family (and the fact that i need to be more like a family member and not a stranger. i truly do feel like a stranger sometimes.. i had a way overdue talk with my youngest sister. she's goin thru a lot, and i was too wrapped up in myself to even notice. -__-;; i want to be able to be a good sister and a good daughter... i want to know what's goin on in my family's lives...)
- myself (that i'm a child of God, thank goodness. that i am much stronger than i give myself credit for. that God loves me, so i must be something special)

these past few days have been very eye-opening for me. i'm so blessed, and i want to dwell on that! ^^;; THANK YOU everyone! you have been such a blessing in my life.. THANK YOU (you know who you are) who have been my strength when i was too weak... who have been so encouraging and loving and understanding! and most importantly, THANK YOU GOD! You have truly kept all of Your promises to me. Please help me to see that You are still working in me and haven't given up on me yet. THANK you for not giving up and for continuing to pursue after my rebellious heart.

have a very beauteous day everyone! x) don't forget to count your blessings~~~


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