Sunday, June 30, 2002

i jst came back from jae's. hehe~ i watched deuce bigalow for the second time. it was just as funny. ahaha~ x)

my days have been pretty chill. i've been pretty busy trying to catch up on my missions training... (long story.. xP) if i haven't given you a support letter, ask me for one! i need to get these sent out.. like.. NOW! so.. please~ bother me for one~ x)

i'm getting pretty worried about missions. i really am not prepared. i know that no one is really ever prepared, but i just feel soo lost. i was lookin at the big notebook of stuff that i'm supposed to be reading.. and all the other to do/to not do lists, and getting kinda panicked. please pray for me. pray for everyone else too~ billy left today.. he should be on his way.. pray that he lands safely...

something that i read today that i thought was great.. i always thought that predestination was kind of unfair. that if there is such a thing as predestination, there's no reason to go on missions, cuz they'll be saved one way or another, right? wrong...
"The doctrine of election, if properly understood, is not a handicap to evanglistic zeal but its stimulus. We preach because we know it is not hopeless. God's elect must hear and He will save them. They are many and in all places, and their salvation awaits our coming with the gospel. It is our responsibility to reach them with it."

God has such a great way of making all things work according to His great plan...


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