Tuesday, May 14, 2002

thiRd day- whEn the rain cOmes 

whEn the rain cOmes it seems that eVeryone has gOne aWay..
when the niTe faLLs u wOnder if u shouLdnt find somepLace,
to run and hiDe..esCape the pain..
but hiDing's suCh a lonely thing to do..

i cant sTop the rain
fRom faLLing dOwn on u again
i cant stop the rain
but i wiLL hoLd u
i cant sTop the rain
fRom faLLing dOwn on u again
i cant stop the raiN
but i wiLL hoLd u tiLL it gOes away.......

when the rain cOmes u bLame it on the things that u have dOne..
whEn the sTorm faDes u kno that rain must faLL on eVeryone
so rEst a whiLe, it'll be aLright
nOone LoveS u LikE i do

i cant sTop the rain
fRom faLLing dOwn on u again
i cant stop the raiN
but i wiLL hoLd u tiLL it gOes away~

whEn the rain coMes, i wiLL hold u....

thanks mierie~ i've been listening to this song... and i find so much comfort in the fact that when the rain comes, God is right here.. holding me until it goes away. He will never let me down.. ever ever!!! how faithless i am... i always forget that.. -__-;;

Lord, help me to hold onto this certainty that You will always be holding me and You are always here by my side. No one knows me like You do.. I can't even figure myself out, but You know. Thank You Lord that You love me.. help me to remember that always.. to be forever grateful for that fact... THANK YOU GOD!! that you find it in Your heart to love me even when i can't love myself.. thank you for my little sister who helped me realize that. In Your precious Son's name i pray.. AMEN!


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