Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Best time to blog?
a) whenever
b) when you're bored
c) at school
d) at work

right now, my answer would be d). hehe~ so here I am.. sitting around, not doing much. (Can you believe they pay me to be here??) hehe~ best jobs are University ones.. puhee~
So i never did get to studying last night. haha.. I just went to sleep. Which is good too. At least I didn't stay up and waste more time. I've been getting more sleep this semester than I have ever my life. I think I slept less in high school. xP I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it's not all bad because at least I don't feel dead all the time. hehe... But I really should get crackin on those books. *sigh* I know I'll miss all of this when I leave and have to work everyday. (eww~ working sux too..) Anywho.. speakin of work, I guess I better start.. hehe


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