Thursday, January 24, 2002

"In the depths of joy dwells sorrow, and the greater the happiness the greater the pain. Try to tear joy and sorrow apart, and you lose your hold on life. Try to cast them to one side and the world crumbles. Money is importatnt, but be that as it may, when it accumulates does it not become a worry which attacks you even in sleep? Love is a delight; yet should the delights of love, piling one upon another, begin to bear down on you, then you will yearn for those days long ago before you knew them." -soseki

i think this guy was onto something...i'm always aiming for perfection in my relationships with people..friend, doesn't matter. i'm always wanting only happiness. i think that drives people away. i need to deal with the sorrows that bring the joy in making a relationship work...err, or something like that.


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