God, do you have a plan for me? I mean, I know eternally, but here, in this life.. specifically in my career, do you have a path?
I'm so confused. I'm so miserable. Am I just being a brat?
Do you have a job for me that I will find purpose in going to daily? Am I just not listening? Lord, if I'm not listening, please, give me ears to hear. Am I completely in the wrong profession? Do you want me to go another path, despite all the schooling I went through? If that's the case, Lord, I will follow, if only You would lead me.
Lord, uncover my ears, my eyes, my heart and guide me. Help me to trust You. That you have a place for me in the working world. Help me not to settle. Help me to fight for what's important to me. To You.
I pray these things in Your Heavenly Name.. Amen