Sunday, December 18, 2005

seriously, jk cracks me up:

"calculus camp was so much fun! for 3 or 4 days, all we did was...calculus!"

haha~ that seriously made my day.. hahahahaha

Monday, December 12, 2005

when i'm done w/ finals, all i will have left to say is: it was good doing pleasure with you. (the words of a friend)

update (for those who care..and those who don't)

yep.. i freaked out during the final. i literally had to stop myself and tell myself to breathe a couple of times cuz i stopped breathing out of panic/fear. *sigh* that was a bad final. cynthia told me to kick ass on the final, but.. it was the other way around. *sigh*

but kevin was so nice and came all the way to LA to eat pho w/ me and keep me company until briana was finished. seriously, i'm the luckiest girl in the whole wide world. x)

2 more finals. x(

dear God, when will it be over?

Friday, December 09, 2005

yesterday seems so far away..

i'm sitting in the computer before my 2nd final of the semester. i'm surprisingly calm.. especially since i decided the reason i should stop studying is b/c i just don't get any of it. normally that would make me frantic and try to cram as much info as i possibly can, but not today. i'm just sitting here.. wondering if i should even bother opening my books again.

maybe this is the beginnings of a new haejin.

.........yea right........

it's probably just waiting to explode during the exam. xP

seriously people.. a prayer from 6pm-9pm would greatly be appreciated.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

murphy's law strikes again

in my lib i have a particular seat i prefer just because it's close to the exit AND close to the bathroom, so i can take both types of breaks w/o feeling the need to lock down my laptop. anyway, it's been hard to get my seat, let alone any seat these days. due to finals, there's been a shortage of seats in the library so i've been content scrounging up A seat.

i had my last tues night class tonight (8:10pm - 10:10pm), so i'm exhausted. i was debating whether i should go home or stay here and study. i know i should try to stay because i have a hard time studying at home, but the lib is really a depressing place. seriously - you can actually FEEL the tension as soon as you walk in. xP

so i made a deal w/ myself: if MY seat was open, i'd stay. if not, i'd go home.

guess where i am? T.T what the heck.. the one time i wanted my seat to be occupied..

i studied w/ my friends @ denny's from 2-5..

and since then.. i got nothing done. seriously, i need someone to stand behind me w/ a baseball bat to make sure i'm studying..


on a happier note..

i'm so glad for my friends, who had some VERY good news today. seriously.. praise God. x)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

all i want is you

When all the things around me fall into the ground, I’m always thankful for the love in You I’ve found

on repeat..

Saturday, December 03, 2005

my new years resolution:

peace of mind.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

and now, i think it may be gone. or at least, it's not big and white and pulsing like it was 20 mins ago.

what the heck?? seriously.. 20 min cold sore?

i think i just need to be very very careful the next few days or else it's going to really be a nasty one.

carol, stay away~~~


(..kind of)
honestly, i'm so amazed by coldsores.

i'm sitting in class when i feel a weird sensation on my lip. i look in the mirror and there is the cold sore. OUT OF NOWHERE!!

carol, i blame you.


i need a nap!

does anyone know anywhere i could take a nap just for an hr?? *sigh*

then again, i have no problem whatsoever falling asleep on the couches in my library. i just hate carrying all my stuff w/ me. xP

haha~ i wish i were having this much fun

i especially like the guy in the back just working on his computer, haha~ i half expected him to turn around and join at the very end. and my favorite part of the performance is around 1:35.

yes, i'm supposed to be studying.